Only caught bits......
Hot ChipSaid it before, say it again; Hot Chip are awful. They looked like bank managers / accountants and sounded like a bontempi rave band but not in a good way. Rubbish.
Black Kids
Zane Lowe introduced them and I thought he said 'Blackheads'. 20 seconds in I was switching over. Out of tune is the El Nuevo Sonido apparently.
Neil DiamondSw
eeeeeeeeeet Carolin
eeeeeee, d
oooooo, d
eeeeeeee, d
oooooooooo..... You can't beat a bit of Neil. Only a bit mind.
Jack PenateWho?
James Blunt
Newton FaulknerSuperannuated busker.
Amy WinehouseEvidently requires a translator and solicitor to be in 24/7 attendance please.
Some American BlokeWe've had John Cougar Mellencamp thanks, I didn't like him then and I don't like you now.
Eddy GrantNice geezer. Plays 'reggae' in the same sense that Black Lace play 'rock'. Ideal festival fodder.
Jay Zed
Came, saw conquered. Murdered 'Wonderwall', taught us music is a broad church, preached toleration, 99 red balloons, yadda, yadda, yadda. Oddly though I'm still no closer stomaching the line of rap peddled by Mr Zed and his peers, give me da olde skool homes....
The WombatsNew to me and I like 'em. Good one.
GoldfrappGlastonbury / Reading etc are rock panto and as such not the ideal venue for the current Goldfrapp experience. Thought they were excellent as usual, however seeing them hasn't helped re the Goldfrapp Lovebox dilemma - I want to see them yet again but not at a bloody festival. Choices, choices....

Recording Goldfrapps Glasto performance....Satellite. Cable. Freeview. Freesat. HD. Digital. Enough is enough. I own a personal video recorder that enables me to record two channels simultaneously onto a hard drive and I know how to use it. I'm no expert on all things video, but I'm fairly savvy re what goes where and how to use it. Tonight however confusion reigned.
BBC is broadcasting Glastonbury and, fair play to them, they are trying to broadcast as much as possible. Me? I just want to catch Goldfrapp. But there are four channels transmitting and only two are on Freeview. The other two channels are on digital. But what constitutes 'digital'?
Presumably cable and satellite are digital but they cost money to subscribe to. Freesat is theoretically free however, even if you exclude the installation fee (currently well over £100), I cannot receive the signal because of where I am. So what does that mean? For me, paying out more cash. A bit of a micky-take given that the BBC has been a prime mover behind Freesat and is currently getting a fair old wedge from all and sundry in the shape of a license fee. Freeview appears to be redundant even before it's begun despite the BBC, amongst others, pushing it whilst being fully aware that Freesat would supersede it.
I think it's safe to say I'm fairly unimpressed.
Having a moment... 01Bewitched As I Am - Bent 128Kb
Song 02.'Weightlifting' - Trashcan SinatrasSo lovely I can't bring myself to listen to the album in case it's not as good.