Friday, 11 July 2008

BB9 - an idiot writes....

Day 37 - an eviction night!
Becks - is going which means....
Mario - will think he's bulletproof. Should prove interesting / hilarious / embarrassing.
Lisa - looked like she was going to do herself a world of good by falling out with Mario only to revert to type by apologising and appering to turn into a Stepford Wife. Pity.
Michael - seedy and soapy looking. In the thrall of Mario. I'll be surprised if he makes the final four.
Luke - now officially creepy. Not half as funny as he imagines himself to be, you'll have a job finding another housemate that's ever banged on about the prize money as much.
Rex - seriously, what shape is that blokes head meant to be?!!
Lisa - girl in work still insists she's a bloke.
Sara - blatantly draping herself over any male in sight. A shrew(d) move as females seem to have a remarkably short lifespan in the house. Excluding Katie Whatserface and the transexual/trnsgender one as far as I can recollect no other females have won. And Katie Whatserface was way back in BB2. It's all the late teen/early twenties females voting that does it dontchaknow.
Dale - Am I still the only one that remebers the audition tpae he did in which he basically stated that he wouldn't talk to ugly people and that he'd backstab anyone to win? Or was he just lying through his teeth? Has a good chance of winning - it's all the late teen/early twenties females voting....
Stuart - tall. Cries. Eyelashes. Along with Dale made an arse of himself during the picture row (and doesn't that now seem an age ago?). Could go all the way as per Dale but it's less likely truth be told.
Rachel - who?
Darnell & Mo - plodding along nicely before they got themselves involved with Mario in the booze stealing bizniss. Also-rans.
Belinda - nightmare, nightmare, nightmare. Ha ha ha.
Kat - cookies! Happy, happy, happy house! Kissed Sara. No more or less fake than any of the other housemates. May shade it over Dale due to BB voters apparent preference for 'outrageous zanniness'.
Maysoon - a dark horse and as such difficult to assess. May get stronger but being a female odds are against her winning.

Heavy rotation casa softlad
'Fsosf' - Bassnectar

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