Monday, 16 June 2008


Long story short. The window in the bedroom got broken and I now know that;
A) it costs £125 + VAT to get a window boarded up.
B) it costs £310 to have a 4' x 3' sheet of window replaced. Interestingly it was offered at £265 for cash which is basically the £310 without the VAT.
Now the wrangling with the insurance begins...

Mark Lawrenson commenting on Austria V Germany on BBC1s Euro '08 managing to muddle up two expressions to announce "That's got hospital food written all over it". Indeed.

1 comment:

A. said...

bloody hell thats expensive (!)

& bloody hell its about time you got a blog.

i can read up on all your little insanities now too, no? ;]

ive already added you to my favourites list
