Sunday, 13 July 2008

BB9. Arse.

So Mario got the bullet and not Becs. Quite how much a contributory factor snogging Luke on eviction night eve was in keeping her in is questionable though a three to one ratio of votes suggest not much. Eviction day day saw Luke telling everyone within earshot that he'd 'been intimate' with Becs when in fact he meant that he'd snogged a pissed-up groupie. Becs tried very hard to give the impression that she would normally only ever been intimate, with Justin Timberlake looky-likeys and was beside herself that somehow - SHOCK!, HORROR! - she'd lowered herself to frenchie Luke. Needlesss to say when they were together later they behaved like 12 year old kids; "it was you!", "No, it was you!" "Hehehehehe!". Rebecca is 21 years of age and has been known to be employed as a child-minder - quite which is the more frightening fact is open to debate.
After promising revelations and embarrassments a-plenty, Mario eventually exited like a kitten. Shame on you Mario.
The question of how many of the housemates have actually watched BB came to light again as they assumed that Rebecca was now a hit with viewers when in fact all it proved was that Mario was more the more reviled of the two. Stuart wondering how many weeks they were in the house for didn't exactly bolster confidence in their BB knowledge either, all which may go to prove that just being on BB is enough for most housemates - think of those lovely lucrative media interviews, yum yum....
I watch too much BB which is pretty much watching any BB....

The referee's a barsteward...
This is just funny beyond words. "Yesh, I having the bad back thash all..."

Friday, 11 July 2008

BB9 - an idiot writes....

Day 37 - an eviction night!
Becks - is going which means....
Mario - will think he's bulletproof. Should prove interesting / hilarious / embarrassing.
Lisa - looked like she was going to do herself a world of good by falling out with Mario only to revert to type by apologising and appering to turn into a Stepford Wife. Pity.
Michael - seedy and soapy looking. In the thrall of Mario. I'll be surprised if he makes the final four.
Luke - now officially creepy. Not half as funny as he imagines himself to be, you'll have a job finding another housemate that's ever banged on about the prize money as much.
Rex - seriously, what shape is that blokes head meant to be?!!
Lisa - girl in work still insists she's a bloke.
Sara - blatantly draping herself over any male in sight. A shrew(d) move as females seem to have a remarkably short lifespan in the house. Excluding Katie Whatserface and the transexual/trnsgender one as far as I can recollect no other females have won. And Katie Whatserface was way back in BB2. It's all the late teen/early twenties females voting that does it dontchaknow.
Dale - Am I still the only one that remebers the audition tpae he did in which he basically stated that he wouldn't talk to ugly people and that he'd backstab anyone to win? Or was he just lying through his teeth? Has a good chance of winning - it's all the late teen/early twenties females voting....
Stuart - tall. Cries. Eyelashes. Along with Dale made an arse of himself during the picture row (and doesn't that now seem an age ago?). Could go all the way as per Dale but it's less likely truth be told.
Rachel - who?
Darnell & Mo - plodding along nicely before they got themselves involved with Mario in the booze stealing bizniss. Also-rans.
Belinda - nightmare, nightmare, nightmare. Ha ha ha.
Kat - cookies! Happy, happy, happy house! Kissed Sara. No more or less fake than any of the other housemates. May shade it over Dale due to BB voters apparent preference for 'outrageous zanniness'.
Maysoon - a dark horse and as such difficult to assess. May get stronger but being a female odds are against her winning.

Heavy rotation casa softlad
'Fsosf' - Bassnectar

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Glasto on 't telly.

Only caught bits......
Hot Chip
Said it before, say it again; Hot Chip are awful. They looked like bank managers / accountants and sounded like a bontempi rave band but not in a good way. Rubbish.
Black Kids
Zane Lowe introduced them and I thought he said 'Blackheads'. 20 seconds in I was switching over. Out of tune is the El Nuevo Sonido apparently.
Neil Diamond
Sweeeeeeeeeet Carolineeeeeee, doooooo, deeeeeeee, doooooooooo..... You can't beat a bit of Neil. Only a bit mind.
Jack Penate
James Blunt
Newton Faulkner
Superannuated busker.
Amy Winehouse
Evidently requires a translator and solicitor to be in 24/7 attendance please.
Some American Bloke
We've had John Cougar Mellencamp thanks, I didn't like him then and I don't like you now.
Eddy Grant
Nice geezer. Plays 'reggae' in the same sense that Black Lace play 'rock'. Ideal festival fodder.
Jay Zed
Came, saw conquered. Murdered 'Wonderwall', taught us music is a broad church, preached toleration, 99 red balloons, yadda, yadda, yadda. Oddly though I'm still no closer stomaching the line of rap peddled by Mr Zed and his peers, give me da olde skool homes....
The Wombats
New to me and I like 'em. Good one.
Glastonbury / Reading etc are rock panto and as such not the ideal venue for the current Goldfrapp experience. Thought they were excellent as usual, however seeing them hasn't helped re the Goldfrapp Lovebox dilemma - I want to see them yet again but not at a bloody festival. Choices, choices....

Recording Goldfrapps Glasto performance....
Satellite. Cable. Freeview. Freesat. HD. Digital. Enough is enough. I own a personal video recorder that enables me to record two channels simultaneously onto a hard drive and I know how to use it. I'm no expert on all things video, but I'm fairly savvy re what goes where and how to use it. Tonight however confusion reigned.
BBC is broadcasting Glastonbury and, fair play to them, they are trying to broadcast as much as possible. Me? I just want to catch Goldfrapp. But there are four channels transmitting and only two are on Freeview. The other two channels are on digital. But what constitutes 'digital'?
Presumably cable and satellite are digital but they cost money to subscribe to. Freesat is theoretically free however, even if you exclude the installation fee (currently well over £100), I cannot receive the signal because of where I am. So what does that mean? For me, paying out more cash. A bit of a micky-take given that the BBC has been a prime mover behind Freesat and is currently getting a fair old wedge from all and sundry in the shape of a license fee. Freeview appears to be redundant even before it's begun despite the BBC, amongst others, pushing it whilst being fully aware that Freesat would supersede it.
I think it's safe to say I'm fairly unimpressed.

Having a moment... 01
Bewitched As I Am - Bent 128Kb

Song 02.
'Weightlifting' - Trashcan Sinatras
So lovely I can't bring myself to listen to the album in case it's not as good.