So Mario got the bullet and not Becs. Quite how much a contributory factor snogging Luke on eviction night eve was in keeping her in is questionable though a three to one ratio of votes suggest not much. Eviction day day saw Luke telling everyone within earshot that he'd 'been intimate' with Becs when in fact he meant that he'd snogged a pissed-up groupie. Becs tried very hard to give the impression that she would normally only ever been intimate, with Justin Timberlake looky-likeys and was beside herself that somehow - SHOCK!, HORROR! - she'd lowered herself to frenchie Luke. Needlesss to say when they were together later they behaved like 12 year old kids; "it was you!", "No, it was you!" "Hehehehehe!". Rebecca is 21 years of age and has been known to be employed as a child-minder - quite which is the more frightening fact is open to debate.
After promising revelations and embarrassments a-plenty, Mario eventually exited like a kitten. Shame on you Mario.The question of how many of the housemates have actually watched BB came to light again as they assumed that Rebecca was now a hit with viewers when in fact all it proved was that Mario was more the more reviled of the two. Stuart wondering how many weeks they were in the house for didn't exactly bolster confidence in their BB knowledge either, all which may go to prove that just being on BB is enough for most housemates - think of those lovely lucrative media interviews, yum yum....
I watch too much BB which is pretty much watching any BB....
The referee's a barsteward...
This is just funny beyond words. "Yesh, I having the bad back thash all..."
The referee's a barsteward...