Saturday 21 June 2008

Eat my foot!

Euro 08 quarter-final and ITV finally enter the fray. Jim Beglin: "They're not very fluid at the moment the Dutch. They're not flowing." Is this Alan Partridge's "liquid football"?

The Exxon Mobil ad on TV - watch the pretty computer graphics as an Italian MILF and your Mum and Dad shovel shit down your ears whilst trying to convince one and all that Exxon Mobil really, really care. To point out that what they care about is actually vast profits and feck all else seems a trifle blindingly obvious but I'm off to Google 'Italian MILF' so I don't, er, care.

Been experimenting with Sainsbury, Asda and Somerfield own-brand bargain basement milk chocolate and I like it. Yes, it turns out I have cheap and slutty taste buds but at about 25p for a bar who gives a hoot - huzzah!

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